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Zeiss Lens Guide - Treatments & Coatings

Treatments and coatings are where it all starts to get exciting when it comes to lenses. They not only enhance your style, but they also enhance your vision.

In this blog, we'll cover 3 different technologies you can apply to your lenses:

We've covered so much on our YouTube channel about cutom tints, beautiful different colours and combinations you can apply to your lenses. Check out our videos to find out more.

Zeiss is a world leading lens manufacturer, we had the chance to visit their factory in Germany. An intresting fact is that they only employ women because they have better colour vision on avaerage than men and their colour accuracy and ability to reproduce colours in different prescriptions is absolutly unmatched. Zeiss produce beautiful, sumptuous colours that Zeiss produce in their factory is one of the reasons why we chose to partner with them because this allows us to creat masterpieces for our clients.

The tint colours can be combined with a flash coating which is a reflective finish on the surface of the lenses. When you combine a tint with a flash coating, that's where you really perfect your glasses. It's not just tints that you can apply, you can also add technologies like photofusion or adaptive sun.

Zeiss Photofusion Technology...

Photofusion is Zeiss' lens technology that goes from clear inside to dark outside, so they essentially act like sunglasses if you're outdoors. Photofusion is known to be the worlds fastest photochromic lens - it's 80% faster than the previous generation and they've reached the point where you don't need them to be any faster; they're fast enough where you would not notice that they're changing.

Zeiss Blue Guard Technology...

Photofusion also has inherently blue light blocking technology, ie. blue guard, it is an in built technology that Zeiss can apply to almost any lens which provides blue light protection and whether you're for that or against that because it is quite a contoversial subject, it's a good thing to have because it's not expensive to add and it can't hurt to have it and it can potentially help you with things like sleep and maybe it might help with long term eye diseases, although none of that is of course proven.

Zeiss Adaptive Sun Technology...

Let's move on to Zeiss Adaptive Sun technology. They are those lenses that go from a moderate tint to very dark tint when exposed to UV, atleast in the brightest conditions. That means you've not only got the most protective sunglasses in the world when you need them to be, but you also have a usable tint the rest of the time when it might not be very sunny/bright. You can step indoors with adaptive sun lenses and still see fine or you can step into the shade, they're just brilliant all round sunglass lenses. Adaptive sun is a very underreated lens technology and it's one that we strongly recommend that you get if you don't already have it in your eyewear wardrobe.

Check out our video below where we compare the differences between Photofusion and Adaptive Sun technologies...

If you'd like any more infromation or even recommendations for your next pair of lenses, don't hesitate to contact us - We'd be happy to help!


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