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Varifocals in Leyland

Varifocals in Leyland ensure that you can enjoy better vision. With varifocal spectacles, you won’t have to carry two separate pairs of glasses anymore. The lenses are built with a gradual degradation between the two different prescription numbers, which adds to more convenience as well as comfortability. In addition to that, varifocals will have the widest field of vision with less distortion around the edges, and each pair of lenses are tailor-made and customised to the frame that you have purchased. Varifocals are the best type of lenses if you would rather not have to switch between frames for different distances.

At The Spectacle Factory, we have our on-site facility whereby our technicians will manufacture your lenses as per your prescription and frames. In Leyland, varifocals are perfect if you are constantly shifting your focus between long and reading distances. Let us combine all the prescriptions in one pair of glasses for you, and you won’t have to switch between glasses throughout the day. We know how annoying it can be, especially when you forget one of your pair of glasses at home, or at work and have to spend the rest of the day using just the one set. This can make reading rather uncomfortable, or driving dangerous, especially if it is the wrong prescription. To avoid all of these inconveniences, it’s a lot more convenient to have one set of spectacles with the relevant prescription  built in the lenses. So, please don’t hesitate to visit us. You will have a large selection of the best brands in the industry, but we also have a state-of-the-art facility where we will make your bifocal or varifocal lenses in just 24 hours.

Getting your varifocals in Leyland also means that you will be a VIP member of The Spectacle Factory. You will receive free repairs wherever possible and free maintenance for life. In addition to that, you will also receive an invitation for free maintenance on the glasses purchased every six months! To make a booking, or for more information, contact The Spectacle Factory. When you use our services, you will receive the highest standard of care and the most professional service.

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