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Our style advice featured in Optometry Today magazine

If the eyes are the window to the soul, then glasses are the window to the eyes. As well as being a lens through which you see the world, they are a lens through which the rest of the world sees you. Robert

At The Spectacle Factory, we are very proud of the advice we give to help our clients not only get the best vision possible, but also find a pair of glasses that they look and feel amazing in. One of our style and vision consultants, Robert, has written a book full of expertise – ‘A Definitive Guide to Choose Your Perfect Glasses’.

He was recently featured in Optometry Today magazine – where industry experts are showcased and interviewed:

Robert Sands, frame stylist and manager @SpecFactory, considers how the perception that glasses are simply an accessory is changing. #optometry #OT — @OptometryToday (@OptometryToday) June 21, 2020

All the latest optical and glasses news and reviews with our award winning blog


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